As a financial advisor, you are essentially a team of one. How does a team of one adequately find clients to advise all while building and carrying out a marketing plan? You don’t.
And you shouldn’t have to.
Here at Consolidated Planning, there’s an emphasis on putting people before products and this goes for our commitment to support our financial advisors as well. The resources available at Consolidated Planning help remove barriers that otherwise could keep you from building a successful practice.
As a financial advisor, identifying your best target markets, setting up quality appointments, and learning new ways to market yourself are all necessary aspects of building a practice and the Marketing Administration and Practice Management Solutions (MAPS) team helps you do so. Is this a resource you would benefit from having on your side? Let’s find out.
What Is The Marketing Administration and Practice Management, and Solutions Team?
The goal of the Marketing Administration, Practice Management, and Solutions (MAPS) team is to support your career goals through a meticulously crafted marketing and business plan customized to you.
This team exists to take as many of the non-revenue generating activities off of your plate, allowing you to focus on prospecting and exponentially growing your practice through marketing yourself.
Marketing = prospecting.
How Will You Use The Marketing, Practice Management and Solutions Team?
Similar to The Advisor Performance Group at Consolidated Planning, how you choose to utilize this team is up to your discretion. A career in financial advising is a full-time job, and so is marketing, so you might want to include MAPS in your workflow.
At the end of the day, financial advisors are all selling similar products. What makes all the difference in your level of success as a financial advisor is your ability to attract and retain clients by offering proven expertise and client experience.
Your 90-Day Marketing Plan
Showcasing your expertise as a financial advisor means leveraging other people’s unique abilities. The unique ability of the MAPS team is centered around strategizing the best marketing plan for you and your practice. As marketers, this team understands the value of customization and brand recognition for the way you envision conducting business with your clients.
Once you’re onboarded as a financial advisor at Consolidated Planning, you will meet with the MAPS team to build out a 90-day marketing plan, starting with where you are in your career and where you would like to go.
These areas for exploration include:
- Your mission
- Your vision
- How you want your clients to view you
- Income goals for your family
- Personal goals
- Your activity should look like
- Your natural market
- Your target market
The natural market gets you started but your target market is what will ensure you thrive over time. A target market is defined as a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed. With thousands of financial advisors, the more specific and niche your market, the better.
Identifying your target market(s) differentiates you from other advisors and allows you to develop a focused marketing approach – not a catchall. Your marketing plan will be tailored around the market you build and will include specific ways to market to this group.
A great example of this is landscapers. If landscapers are your target market, you will begin building tasks around this market.
- Who Do You Know – who are 10 people you know connected to this market?
- Networking – where are landscapers spending their time and how can you be included in these events?
- Joining Associations – associations like your local chamber of commerce are groups worth joining to connect with these business owners.
- LinkedIn Posts – what are some trending topics in the financial industry that can be applied to landscapers and their industry? What does your market want to read about?
- Host Webinars – what value can you provide to landscapers as a free resource to establish expertise within the market?
The goal of the MAPS team is to teach you how to maximize your efforts in the right places. Marketing is only beneficial when it’s reaching the right people.

Finding efficiencies in your day is all about learning to manage your time. The biggest shift, as a new financial advisor, is from the mindset of employee to employer. As part of this process, we’ll review what your day looks like as a financial advisor, what areas you can delegate, and how you can utilize your marketing and business plan to set quality appointments and convert those into clients.
The Virtual Assistant Program
Whether it’s early on in your career or you are not sure how to get started – hiring an assistant can seem out of the question for you. But with our Virtual Assistant Program, it’s attainable.
The virtual assistant program helps manage your client base by taking your marketing and client services to the next level. This is how you will keep your clients. How you choose to use the virtual assistant functions depends on your needs and weaknesses.
These duties can include:
- Answering phone calls and emails
- Scheduling appointments
- Entering client notes
- Presentation preparation
- Creating content
- Social media
- Client appreciation events
- Email marketing
The virtual assistant program is an extension of the MAPS team and is available to you on a per-hour basis. This program is highly customizable to you, whether you need extra support for 3 hours per week, 20 hours per week, or for a specific project.
3 Benefits of MAPS Team At Consolidated Planning
#1 Marketing & Business Plan
Copy, paste, copy, paste. Year after year people reuse marketing plans just to check a box. Not with the MAPS team. The MAPS team keeps you in touch with the goals you set out to achieve and helps you make that happen. Together we will build a marketing and business plan that makes the most sense for you. As we move through this plan, we will identify what is working, what isn’t, and what we can do better.
This team will focus on accountability and implementation, ensuring this plan doesn’t get put on the back burner.
Marketing equals prospecting.
Prospecting equals clients.
Clients equal building your practice.
#2 Exponential Growth
Speaking of building your practice, we know you want to have your ideal practice built yesterday so these services offered by the MAPS team are meant to help you get to where you’re going, quicker. In this day and age, marketing is not a should-have but a must-have. Think of marketing as an investment in yourself and your practice, not a cost item.
The MAPS team will work with you to best establish ways to brand yourself in your community – whether it’s as simple as sponsoring your child’s soccer team or creating brand continuity across your marketing materials.
#3 Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Marketing yourself can be an uncomfortable process for some financial advisors. This career requires a high activity level and learning ways to put yourself out there. Yes, that means talking about yourself and the value you can provide.
The MAPS team will provide support in building out seminars, webinars, and even how to make the most of a networking event. MAPS will equip you with the skills and knowledge to actively turn these events into appointments, and hopefully clients. Simply showing up is not enough.
Will The Marketing Administration and Practice Management and Solutions Team Help You Grow Your Financial Advising Practice?
A lack of marketing and branding for yourself as a financial advisor may leave you failing to build a successful financial advising practice. From prospecting through client experience, the MAPS team at Consolidated Planning helps deliver a polished, branded marketing plan to help you put your best foot forward.
But is Consolidated Planning right for you?
Along with the Advisor Performance Group and the New Business Hub, MAPS helps build and deliver the narrative to your prospects and clients. If you want to align yourself with a firm that allows you to focus on revenue generating activities all while teaching you how to market yourself, Consolidated Planning might be a good fit for you.
If you’re still unsure how you will build a successful practice, reach out to our team of recruiters to discuss a career with Consolidated Planning.

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