Think about the last thing you typed into Google. We’re willing to bet that one of your most recent searches was, “How To” do something.
Yup, we knew it.
As a financial advisor at Consolidated Planning, you will lean on asking the question of who can help you rather than how can I do this myself. Our robust specialized teams go to work for you, allowing you to focus on spending more time in front of your clients and prospects to build a better practice.
Now that you’re ready to ask who can help you build your practice, let’s take a look at the ways you will be supported as a financial advisor at Consolidated Planning.
Who Will Help You Build Your Financial Advising Practice?
Building a financial advising practice takes a village. At least it should.
No one person can do it all and frankly, shouldn’t do it all. We want to see all of our financial advisors have a successful, meaningful career with Consolidated Planning and we firmly believe in asking who can get you there.
Who Will Help You Process Client Paperwork?
If the thought of paperwork excites you, being a financial advisor probably isn’t the best fit for you. If the thought of paperwork makes you sigh heavily, we’re glad you’re here.
The New Business Hub (NBH) at Consolidated Planning is your back office for paperwork. This team focuses on onboarding and processing new business paperwork for you and your clients. The intricacies of processing financial paperwork take a lot of time and attention to detail, all of which would otherwise take away from your time spent in front of clients and prospects.
Essentially, this resource helps you prioritize efficiently building your practice by focusing more of your time and energy on nurturing your clients and building new relationships.
Who Will Help You With Client Strategy?
Once your client’s information and paperwork have been accurately processed by The New Business Hub it’s time to focus on client strategy.
Developing a client strategy involves sifting through and analyzing client data to make appropriate recommendations. And, you guessed it, this takes a lot of time. Time away from finding clients to build your practice.
The Advisor Performance Group (APG) at Consolidated Planning is your resource for client planning needs, from strategy design to case consultation. Regardless of your experience level, there is always a learning curve within the financial industry and a new firm. APG helps piece together the information you may not know yet or more in-depth solutions that are out of your wheelhouse.
With the varying needs and expectations of your clients, working collaboratively with APG to develop and prepare a customized strategy for your client meetings aligns with delivering our world-class customer experience and real solutions that your clients are looking for.
Who Will Help You With Marketing Your Practice?
Now it’s time to market yourself. A detailed marketing and business plan are necessary but we all know that developing and implementing this plan is a full-time job in addition to your financial advising career.
This is where The Marketing Administration And Practice Management (MAPS) team comes into play.
Your level of success as a financial advisor is dependent upon your ability to attract and retain clients by offering proven expertise and client experience. Crafting a marketing and business plan with the MAPS team helps you make this possible.
Some areas to include in your plan include:
- 90-Day Marketing Plan – customized to you, including personal goals, professional goals, your natural market, your activity level, income goals, and your mission and vision.
- Identifying Your Target Market(s) – this market differentiates you from other advisors and allows you to develop a focused marketing approach, not a catchall.
- Finding Efficiencies – learn to maximize your day and your approach to advising, including areas to delegate, setting quality appointments, and turning people into clients.
Marketing equals prospecting.
Prospecting equals clients.
Clients equal building your practice.
Who Will Help You With Business Planning?
The learning curve to become a financial advisor is steep, but learning how to navigate the business markets can be even steeper. Rather than spending countless hours figuring out all of the planning involved for a business owner to successfully run their business, utilize those who already know.
The Business Owner Strategic Solutions (BOSS) is made up of individuals with a collective knowledge of all things related to business owners.
Some of these areas include:
- Buy/Sell Planning
- Exit Planning
- Retention Planning
- Tax Planning
- Estate Planning
In this career, it’s easy to feel that you can’t be everything to everyone, and you can’t. However, the BOSS team keeps you from limiting your growth and income potential when it comes to entering the business markets.
With the right who for the case, you and your BOSS Specialist will follow a workflow including:
- Case And Financial Organization – deciding the probable planning opportunity.
- Rapid Case Design – creating the vision and direction for the case.
- Coordination with APG – providing The Living Balance Sheet buildout, illustrations, templates, and projections.
- Coordinate Next Meeting – organizing the meetings, attendees, and solutions for success.
- Determine Next Planning Opportunity – look for new planning opportunities leveraging other Boss Specialists.
Your biggest risk in business, and especially the business markets, is trying to do everything yourself.
Is Consolidated Planning The Best Fit For Your Financial Advising Career?
The ability to ask for help, check.
The desire to learn from others, check.
Being okay with not knowing everything, check.
Working with us means you will never be wondering how to do it all – you will learn who can help you by leaning on others and their unique abilities as a part of our supportive, team-based approach.
The goal of The New Business Hub, The Advisor Performance Group, The Marketing Administrative, and Practice Management Team, and The Business Owner Strategic Solutions Team is to take as many of the non-revenue-generating tasks off of your plate as possible.
Will these teams help you build a successful practice? The decision is yours.
If you want to build the best practice for your clients, reach out to our recruiters to learn more about joining the team at Consolidated Planning.

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